Keep Kraft Wikia

Welcome to the Wiki for Keep Craft: an open source, free to play, text-based, web browser, idle game; where you can build and expand your own civilization by collecting resources, crafting items and researching technologies.

Created by Ernesto Mayoral as a hobby project in Javascript, the game: is a stable beta version; requires no registration; is ad-free; and includes an embedded chatbox.
The Wiki is in development and aims to provide a comprehensive reference for the URL version. You can navigate the Wiki from page headers; expand tables and text, to reveal more content; and look for articles with Search.
  • Lumbermill
  • Castle2
  • Horses
  • Pasture2
  • Quarry3
  • Elephantscharging
  • Foundry1
  • Scienceoutpost2
Buildings | Casino | Crafting | Dock | Facilities | Heirlooms | Jobs | Leaders | Legacy | Market | Military | Technologies
Population | Ships | Titles | Territory | Shards | Legacy | Treasures
Bank | Banner | Barn | Blast furnace | Blockyard | Bunker | Carpentry | Casino | Castle | Compressor | Crusher | Docks | Foundry | Fountain | House | Kiln | Laboratory | Library | Lumbermill | Market | Military outpost | Mine | Pasture | Quarry | Repository | Scientific outpost | Shipyard | Statue | Trade outpost | Train station | Towncenter | Warehouse
Library technologies | Technology branches | Scientific technologies | Economic technologies | Military technologies | Mastery technologies | Publications
Capped resources
Cement | Chemicals | Clay | Coal | Concrete | Copper | Food | Gold | Iron | Knowledge | Mineral | Morale | Nickel | Sand | Steel | Tin | Water | Wood
Ammo | Armor | Artifact | Block | Book | Bottle | Brick | Bronze | Chest | Coin | Diamond | Elephant | Engine | Frame | Glass | Greatsword | Gunpowder | Horse | Lock | Musket | Pickaxe | Plank | Plans | Plate | Spear | Structure | Supplies | Sword | Token | Toolbox
Woodcutter | Smelter | Farmer | Miner | Foundryman | Sailor | Scientist | Marketer
Pikeman | Swordman | Knight | Medic | Bersek | War elephant | Musketeer | Light tank | Expedition
Ships | Trade mission | Expansion mission | Explore new continent
Sucellus | Eredal | Khrysos | Elisia | Xochiquetzal | Warmuk | Foehn | Alfear
Power plant | Cement kiln | University | Concrete mixer | Tool factory | Barracks
Market trade | Merchant | Trains | Boost
Game 1 | Game 2 | Game 3 | Relic | Share
Axe | Book | Cannon | Chest | Coin | Crate | Crown | Dress | Enigma | Fossil | Glasses | Hammer | Jar | Pickaxe | Relic | Shield | Staff | Sword
Legacy bonuses
Motivation | Depot | Mastery | Vengeance | Aegis | Bargain | Learning | Memory

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